The tag "Corrupt Form," has been placed on your account because one (or more) of your uploads are corrupt:
This means the file is either too large or in a format that is not compatible with Med+Proctor. If you have uploaded an illegible or corrupt form to your account, it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure that the form is legible and that the information is accurate.
What Can I Do?
Check the file type:
First, check the file type of the form. Certain file types, such as PDFs, are more reliable for uploading than others. If you are uploading a file type that is not reliable, you may want to consider converting it to a more reliable format.
Check the file size:
Second, make sure that the file size is not too large. If the file size is too large, it can take longer to upload and the file may become corrupt. If the file size is too large, you can reduce it by compressing the file or reducing the resolution of the images.
Check for a broken file:
Third, check the file for any viruses or malware. Malicious software can corrupt a file, so it is important to make sure there are no viruses or malware present before uploading the form.
Make sure the file itself is legible:
Finally, make sure that the form is legible. If the form is not legible, it can be difficult to read and may not be accepted by the system.
To ensure that your form is legible, please follow these steps:
1. I am taking a picture of my form:
Place the document on a flat surface and make sure it is as straight as possible.
Take a picture of your form using a good-quality camera
Make sure that the picture is clear and that all the information is visible.
Once the document is clear and legible, save the file and upload it to your account.
2. I am scanning my form:
Place the document on a flat surface and make sure it is as straight as possible.
Place your scanner directly above the document and make sure it is in line with the edges of the page.
Adjust the scanner’s settings to the highest resolution possible.
Preview the scanned document to make sure it is clear and legible.
If the document is not clear or legible, adjust the scanner’s settings and preview the document again.
Once the document is clear and legible, save the file and upload it to your account.
3. I am using a PDF editor:
If you are using a PDF editor, make sure that you are using the correct settings to ensure that the form is legible.
Open the PDF editor and select the file that you need to edit.
Once the file is open, you will be able to edit the document by adding text, images, and other elements.
You can also use the editor to adjust the font size, color, and other formatting options.
Once you have made the necessary changes to the document, you can save the file and upload it to your account.
By following these steps, you can ensure that the form you upload is legible and not corrupted. This will help ensure that the form is accepted and processed correctly. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us!
Contact us via Chat or email us for further assistance. Med+Proctor's business hours are Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm CST, to speak to a live representative please contact our team during our business hours.