UW HSIP - Required Tuberculosis Screen

2 min. readlast update: 03.04.2025

If you have any questions about your status, please contact the HSIP team via email: myshots@uw.edu 

Complete tuberculosis (TB) screening (IGRA or TB PPD skin tests) BEFORE receiving a live virus vaccine (MMR, Varicella); otherwise wait 28 days after the live vaccine before beginning TB screening. Same day IGRA blood draw and administration of a live vaccine is ok. 

One of the following initial current TB screening options is required (unless submitting a previous positive TB screening) and must be completed after January 1st of your program entry year. 

  1. IGRA blood test preferred for all students (either a QuantiFERON Gold or T-Spot test is acceptable)  

  • Students with a history of receiving the BCG vaccine against TB should get the IGRA test.  

  • Lab report required, summary not acceptable. 


  • TWO separate TB PPD skin tests – 1st PPD placement and reading 48-72 hours later equals ONE PPD skin test. A 2nd PPD skin test must be placed between 1-3 weeks after the 1st PPD is read. 
  • BOTH PPD skin tests must be submitted together. 

  • Documentation must include full name, date placed, date read, and results in mm for each PPD. The HSIP TB PPD Skin Test Form recommended to ensure all required documentation is included in submission.  

ORFor a previous or current POSITIVE TB SCREENING submit the following items together: 

  1. Documentation/proof of positive screening (positive IGRA result either a QFT-Gold or T-spot test, or positive PPD result 10 mm or greater, or HSIP Positive TB Screening Form completed by a healthcare provider. 

  1. Chest x-ray radiology report completed after positive TB screening AND after January 1st of your program entry year. Note: If documentation of a completed course of prophylactic antibiotic therapy, including medication name and dates of administration is provided, then chest x-ray may be older. 

  1. A new requirement tag will be created for you to submit a HSIP TB Symptom Survey (TBSS) Form. A new TB Symptom Survey (TBSS) Form will be required every December. 

Additional TB screening: In the event of either a TB exposure, a practicum site requiring an updated TB screening, or for those who are working in a high-risk area, additional TB screening may be required.  You may upload additional TB screenings into your Med+Proctor account at any time for review.  



  • Full student name and full date of blood draw must be included on documentation 

  • Documents must be from a verifiable source (medical record, clinic or provider signature/stamp).   

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