What Email Should I Use to Register For Med+Proctor?
1 min. readlast update: 02.28.2025
You will register using your school email address:
Please visit www.medproctor.com and select "register for a new account" to start your new account. From there you will want to type in your school email address to get started. You will not be able to create an account with a personal email of any kind, you must enter your student email address.
Secured Sign On (SSO):
If your school requires you to use their SSO log-in to create an account you should immediately be re-directed there, where you will need to use your school portal username and password to log into your account. If you are not redirected to your school portal log-in please search for your institution's name in our KnowledgeBase system for your SSO link or email help@medproctor.com.
Create Your Own Password:
If your school does not require you to use their secured log-in you will be prompted to set up your password and log into your newly registered account.